Monday, November 19, 2012

Black Friday and How Not to be a Jerk

   So, here's a little info to get you through your Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping.

1.   The lady working on aisle 9  left her home at 7:00 p.m. to clock in at 7:30. She will work all Thanksgiving night and get home at 5:00a.m. Be nice to her or else.

2.  If "Be the change you want to see in the world" is your mantra: You shouldn't be shopping. But if you are you better be the one in that 20 minute checkout line singing Holly Jolly Christmas. Or else.

3.  Do not give the checkout lady a hard time about 50 cents or 2 dollars. Not if you're saving 30 bucks. There are scanners alllll over the store. Price check yourself before you get in line or be prepared to accept that measly 2 dollar difference. There are 15 people behind you.  Get over it.

4.  I don't really care if you're out shopping because this is THE MOST WONDERFUL SPECTACULAR AMAZING SEASON EVER!!!!! or if you're shopping for baby Jesus. If you don't hold the door for grandma or offer to help the lady with a screaming child get out to her car you are a jackass.

5.  You're going to have to eat. Don't tell me you just saved 120 dollars on "stuff" then not tip your waitress. She doesn't even get Christmas off. Tip the waitress really reallly well.   Or else.

6.  So, you went and got yourself a babysitter? Wow. Guess what, mom? The lady on aisle 3 doesn't have that luxury, but really wanted to experience this American tradition. When you hear her baby wailing please remember that your baby is at home wailing at Grandma because he wants more candy, he wants TV time, he wants to stay up late, he wants his mommy. Cut people some slack. If baby Jesus cried you would tell Mary, 'Hey, It means you have a baby. A real life beautiful, warm, healthy baby. Crying is natural." Do not forget to be gentle with people.

7.   3 hours ago you were holding hands and praying with Aunt Betsy about everything under the sun that you were thankful for. And now, now you have your hand stuck to a 300 dollar computer that you could have bought in March for 289 and you are daring anybody to touch it. Remember to be thankful that you live in a country where money and stuff is so readily available.

8. If you go out and use a charge card you didn't save a penny. If you can't do the math on interest rates and monthly payments, you get what you get in life. You get debt for Christmas. Congratulations!!

9.  If you see someone struggling with money, do the right thing. The words, "You need this more than I do." are more important now than ever before.

10. If you find yourself cursing......go home. It will all be there Dec. 22nd. and probably cheaper.

11.   have fun. be safe. don't yell at people. don't forget to call home to let the people that love you know you are alright.

Whatever you are doing, do it for the right reasons. And sing. You better sing. (or else)

1 comment:

  1. Preach Mama Shey!!!! But do like I do, shop Amazon and stay home.
