Wednesday, February 20, 2013

You Create Your Own Hell. Now Shut Up.

"If God listened to the prayers of men, all men would quickly have perished; for they are forever praying for evil against one another." --Epicurus (341-271 BC).
    I had been writing this for about a week now when I began reading The God Article on Facebook and  Randy posted this quote. It rather punched me in the stomach. I figured it was time to unleash my frustration because I certainly was holding onto it waiting for the "right time". So, here is my  piece for today:

    I recall a time when I was in someone's house and heard the man of the house in the kitchen praying. It was very early in the morning and the sound of his cries could be heard clearly. The sun was not yet rising, but he had risen with his anguish, his anger, and his grief. His life had recently become quite a drama due to another family member and he was seeking council with his Lord. There in the warmth of an uncomfortable bed I heard his prayer. It has stuck with me for many years. His voice was  cracking and his hand was  formed into a fist, pounding on his kitchen table. He was begging. He was broken. This was his prayer,
                       "G-d, get him. G-d I  am begging you to get him. He needs to die and be dragged to hell. G-d please, it's time."

      The prayer was said over and over. the tears involved were audible. This man was serious.

It happens all too often in the Christian church that we don't pray, "Open my eyes so that I might see his hurt, his anguish."

We don't pray, " Dear father forgive me for being a stumbling block and please remove me from the situation that I seem to be aggravating."

We don't pray, "Lord, please let me distance myself from those that cause drama so that I can better focus on myself."

We don't pray, "Dear G-d, you have been our hope in ages past, please be this man's hope and please change his heart to allow him to love."

    If you wonder why the doors of the church are closing please stop blaming Satan. He hasn't had to work in maybe 3 or 4 centuries.  There is a reason that the Bible says that the Christian Church will be persecuted. It's because obviously someone could see far enough into the future to see the Christians burning the witches, condemning the baby killers to hell, and telling single moms to stop being whores. You deserve persecution if that is your way of life, and for many "Christians" it most certainly is.
   I was invited to church recently by a lady whom I have to see because our kids are in school together.  I checked out her Facebook page. She keeps arguments up with, she keeps arguments up with people she claims are non-believers. She would know a believer, right? Inside track to G-d's voice, she has. She consistently calls people stupid, tells them to go to hell, is paranoid of Satan coming after her kids. She is representing Christ while telling people that they don't know the Bible or Christ and have never been to church.......because she "knows".
  If G-d is calling on you to "out" people and condemn them for not being Christians or for not believing what you believe, please, get thee to a doctor. You are not alright. Those voices are not the voices of G-d, they are your own voices of ego, delusional self worth, and anger. If you are lashing out at people whom you don't really know because you feel empowered by G-d to show them the "way", then you really need to spend some time working on yourself.
   It takes a sick person to call on G-d to punish others. It takes an even sicker person to cry because they are being persecuted for the harm that they are causing. You want hell? Fine, grow the hell up. Look in a mirror. Stop paying attention to your neighbors. Sop reading stupid Facebook posts that aren't about happiness, joy, and growth. You want to be a Christian, go be one. Keep your  mouth SHUT and try living as Christ called you to live: BY EXAMPLE, and with Love, Gratitude and Grace. If you cannot do that, then it's Satan who has won you, not the other way around.

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