Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lipgloss Part 2

 They are homeless because they came back from war to find their family had grown up and moved on without them.

They are homeless because they cam back from war and didn't trust themselves to stay with a fragile wife and delicate children.

They are homeless because they came back from war to find no jobs left for them

They are homeless because it is easier to be homeless than to be hit.

They are homeless because mommy's depression means she can't remember to pay the bills.

They are homeless because their house burned down.

They are homeless because people say, "We aren't helping them, they are homeless for a reason."

   Today, while you are dressed in hundred dollar outfits and  spending hours in the kitchen cooking  a large family meal, Jesus is homeless. While you participate in a fertility ritual that predates Christianity because you're not smart enough to realize what eggs are and that if you want a Savior born in December then somebody better get pregnant, Jesus is homeless. While you are singing about how blessed and saved and righteous you are Jesus is homeless. Yes, today is totally about how great you are. Totally about how you just got a free ticket to heaven. Totally about how super duper awesome Jesus thinks you are.
    Jesus is homeless. He is worn, weathered, dirty and alone. He is full of scars and scratches. He is homeless. He does not go to the temple and announce that he is back. He does not wave a flag and march through town. He simply wanders in the direction he feels his friends might be.

If you think that when Jesus returns he is going to have some sort of concert in your multi-million dollar religious complex with the basketball court and 3D movie theatre, Jesus is homeless. Homeless people don't hang out there. They generally aren't allowed to. If you think  Jesus is coming back wearing pristine robes that match your Dolce and Gabbana pink Easter purse, Jesus is homeless. If you look back at Jesus' history, he has always been homeless.

  Next Easter maybe for Jesus' sake, you could study a little. You might enter the church with some knowledge of Ostara and Ishtar. Maybe you could wear something a little less formal and more humble. Maybe you could be prepared to meet Jesus out on the street where he is wandering. Maybe you could even read his own words...John 18.36, "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence." This scripture also frees the Jews form years of bigotry that followed by idiots that scream, "the Jews killed my Lord." Once again, good Christians who have never studied their Bibles.
   Maybe next year you could check you lipgloss at the door. Maybe you could care that Jesus is homeless. Maybe you could show a little character and act like you know what he did and what he said. Rather than telling everybody how great your next life is going to be, why don't you do something of value in this one. Why do you not go meet the homeless man that is your Savior?

~ if you ever wonder why people don't go to your church or why people look down on religion, it has nothing to do with what you believe. No one calls you stupid because you believe in a Savior/G-d. All religions do. What people don't like is that you celebrate with  pre Christian holidays and then scream about how they belong to YOU and only YOU. What they think you're wrong about is not your passion for your G-d but your hate for your fellow man. Jesus was a homeless Jewish man of Middle Eastern descent. You would call the cops on him today if you saw him in your neighborhood. It's the multi-million dollar  religious arenas and the  two thousand dollar suits that people are appalled by. In the world or of the world?  It's the hypocrisy, children. Stop screaming about your persecution as Christians when you have brought it upon yourselves with such hypocrisy. ~


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