I knew someone who would wake up each morning and start his day with a "get him, g-d" sort of prayer. He believed that G-d would destroy his enemies. He was ruthless in his belief that they were less than him, deserved to be ripped apart, and removed from his life. He prayed with a fierceness and a fervor sometimes leading to tears. He was a Christian soldier, a fighter. It was always,"G-d get them out of my life." "G-d teach them a lesson." They were disposable. He also liked to use the term MY G-d. As in, My G-d wouldn't let that happen, or My G-d is bigger than that, or My G-d is handling this.
Some of you know where I am going with this. If you do this or know people who do this, I need to ask you who is controlling the strings here because you have become someone else's puppet, not a clear headed, peace loving child of G-d. If you believe in Satan (and some Christians don't), then you need to ask yourself if he or it is building up your ego. You need to ask yourself why you consider yourself so precious that people need to be dealt with. I thought as Christians we were taught to deal with ourselves...look inward, look upward, and never lose the grace or the joy. But here we are asking G-d to smite someone. Not deal with OUR hearts, not help us make a path to peace or freedom, not even asking G-d to remove US from the situation, but saying, "I am fine Lord, it is them you need to move for me." Being a child of G-d doesn't mean that you tell G-d to move that mountain. It means that you ask with a peaceful and humble heart to find a way to cut through the mountain. It means you let your G-d teach you something. It means you listen to your enemies and learn why they are so hurt, angry, guilt-ridden...why do they put up obstacles in your way. I bet it has something to do with your attitude, not theirs.
I also want to object to the term "MY G-d". He is definitely not yours. You don't act like him or for him. You don't own him, he is not in your back pocket and you cannot read his mind...I think we as humans do not know his mind or can conceive of his thoughts. It is a brave person who says "My G-d did or didn't do this." I think we best start checking our egos at the door and remember he is not ours, we are his and not just some of us, but even our enemies belong to him. And maybe , just maybe, that enemy that we have been trying to convince G-d to deal with, is struggling with his own relationship with G-d and asking G-d for peace...which we dear Christians are not offering.
We need to ask ourselves each morning what we want, what we expect, and are we in it just for us. We need to take a good look at our egos and figure out who is building us up to be so hateful and bulletproof. It is not G-d. He doesn't create boxers who go out into the world each day and knock people down. He creates life. Precious life that we have no reason or excuse to judge. All are worthy, do not let our egos convince us that we are worthier...because there is no such thing in G-d's eyes. It is the least, and the least have no love for self. We need a different heart, one that is clear and open to change, one that holds no grudges and seeks no justice or revenge.
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