Sunday, July 24, 2011

Week 5: taking chances

So, this week started off pretty well. Uncle Walter came and finished up  work in the basement. It is really nice down there, just needs some TLC from me to finish it up, but you know how it is once you see the end is near you kinda start to relax...I am trying not to get too comfortable and just finish it already. The boys decided that Lil needs a dressing room, so they built her one! It is completely awesome the love that went into this project.
   On Monday we  sat down and started a series called Globe Trekker. It stars Ian Wright whom I might possibly love. He is the opposite of boring. The whole series  is fast paced and chocked full of gorgeous scenery. We started with Chile and Easter Island. How amazing to see the color, the history, the people, the legends. We spent an hour having a good laugh and seeing really neat places.
   The boys brought to my attention a yellow jacket nest in our front yard. Usually these bees are aggressive, so I was hesitant to see what was going on. I realized my yard was not going to EVER be mowed again if I didn't do something about these small monsters. Jonas is slightly allergic to their stings and I was more worried about the bees following him into the house than anything. The bigger boys and I set out with some chemicals, a can of  Raid, a water hose, and a shovel. This was an all day event, not a fly by. In the end, we were fairly successful, but the bees were relentless. They do not leave until they know that the Queen is dead. I could not produce a dead Queen, all I could produce was a torn up hive. And yes, the hive although buried looks just like any other honeycombed sort of hive. I am now pretty sure I will charge you people 40 dollars  to come clean out your nests.
    On Wednesday Lil got to travel with her family to visit an aunt in Columbia, SC. The kids also got to go to Uncle Grady's farm and pick cantaloupes.I am always thankful to see my kids get to hang out with family. On Thursday I was lucky to see my cousin Donna. She was visiting from Arizona where she works for a mining company. Sh is about 10 years older than me and moved before I really grew up and could have anything in common with her, but she is really cool. Sh likes all the same things I like, except without the kids. She left Newton a long time ago and "found herself" as some would say. We even have the same taste in clothes! Wonder what Arizona could do for me?
   I put the boys in the car one night when I just couldn't stand the smell of paint and joint compound any longer and we went to see Fast Five. Yes, thank you is all that really needs to be said here.
    We rented the movie Of Gods and Men. Spoiler:It's in French with subtitles! This is a movie for people who care. For people who care about religion and people who care about people and people who care about faith and loyalty. It was such a beautiful quiet movie yet powerful, the juxtaposition of words with power and men without was so well done. One son wanted to know about the Muslim extremists and upon trying to explain Michael interrupted with ," But don't all religions have groups like that." Michael was not, for the record, asking a question. He may be brilliant. Upon that was built a conversation about Christian extremists in Norway. (If you would like to see Anders eviscerated in non-fiction, feel free to google PZ Myers' blog. PZ lays  this guy out. Cold. ) It was good. It was good for the kids to learn patience to sit through a foreign film and good  for them to listen to the silence that ended the film.
   Today I dropped my oldest off with my Beeker. Who knew 15 meant "jet setter". I am glad for her to have such a wonderful influence in her life. After Lil was born her dad and I asked Beeker to be her godmother. Not so much fairy, just combat boots and helicopters kind of godmother. I am so thankful all my kids have Beeker. But Lil needs a strong beautiful  smart woman to go to, and we have that in Beek.
    Oh, I almost forgot. Lil took her first day job as a house/dog-sitter! Went well! Hope there will be more work for her. She deserves it.

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