Thursday, December 20, 2012

American Women Who Don't Understand Christmas :A Short List

     The American woman is unfortunately displayed in television and movies as a bleached blond who needs more boobage, more jewelry, and more pocketbooks. I, in reality, don't know too many of those women. I know women from varying walks of life and  few of them are super demanding when it comes to what they want. There are 2 other types of American women though that get little attention even though they make us all miserable. Let's discuss.

    1. The  "I don't need your charity, lady" lady.  She is a strong empowered woman who has WORKED and EARNED the right to have what she wants when SHE wants it. She can be spotted carrying a chip around on her shoulder. She is friendly and talkative as long as you don't try to help her. I was in line at the checkout when the lady behind me started ogling the five dollar toy I had on the conveyor belt. It had been on the clearance shelf and I thought it was cute. We discussed where it was and that she was just too tired to go back that far into the electronics department  and get it. I paid for everything and put the toy into a bag of its own, handed it to the cashier and said, "It's hers now. Okay?" You would have thought I spit on the lady the reaction I got. I left the toy, I left the store. My last words were," It's yours! ". There is no thank you from these women. There is only the attitude that they can afford it on their own and they aren't on welfare.  Have we come to this in our society where feminists are so belligerent and egotistical that another mom can't just do for a sister at Christmas time?
     Girls: you can be brave,  you can work, and you can buy your own home without a man. You can cook, clean, fix, buy, sell, and tackle anything. We know this. We got your memo. But if you have no grace when the world steps in to offer you a three dollar cup of coffee or a homemade meal when you are sick then you really better get used to being alone. You may not need a man, but letting other women be nice to you isn't about ego. It's about love. I don't know if you never got love before or if you're just so selfish that you don't want to give any, but that's not how the rest of us work. Get over yourself and let us  enjoy the holidays.

      2.The "I don't deserve anything THAT nice." martyr woman. She is always doing for others. She gets a gift card at Christmas and spends it on the school secretary. Her house is full of cheap stuff that she gets on sale. I once purchased a really nice  (really) housecoat for a friend at Christmas. It was from Victoria's Secret and was very age appropriate and modest. 10 years later it is still in her closet untouched. Rather than giving it away or taking it back she kept it. She says things like,"Ugh, I still cannot believe you wasted your money on me like that. I could never wear something that nice around the house just to wash dishes in."  A few years ago I was given a two hundred dollar watch for Christmas. I took it back. My opinion was that I was a mom. mom's don't need watches much less expensive watches. There are always numerous thank yous from women like these, but they come with a BUT....but I'm not going to use it because it's too special and I'm not. Have we as a society taught women that after giving birth, raising a family, and holding down a job that all they really deserve is more work?
    Girls: If it's a gift then it comes form a place of appreciation. You do stuff. We see you do stuff. You don't have to go buy the new cookware for yourself. we know you aren't  going to buy the awesome Paula Dean cookware, but if we GIVE it to you, why not indulge, use it, love it? I look back o all the nice things I could have had. I look back on all the times I gave up something because I didn't "need" it and it was just too "nice" for me...What does that mean? Ladies if you have a friend that wants to buy you something that's not from the dollar store why can't you appreciate it. Pretty soon the gifts will stop and you will be sad that no one thinks of you.  And more importantly why can you not see that YOU are being appreciated. Buying you stuff and giving you stuff is fun. Just like when you give the school secretary stuff, you think it's works both ways little momma.

All I'm saying is: as of this year I will stop bitching and moaning about price tags on gifts. I know what I give to others and I usually think that they deserve more. If that is reciprocated then fine. Maybe somebody sees me as deserving. Just because I won't do for myself doesn't mean that I should negate what other people do for me. I will take your PAY IT FORWARD moment, and I will choose to pay it forward also. I will see myself as a good person for giving and I will be a good person when receiving.
Much holiday magic to you and yours...even if yours is a crazy American woman.

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